Fist Series:
1 Vertical Fist (Thrust Line)
2 Vertical Fist (Thrust Line) 3 Horizontal Fist (Thrust Line) 4 Horizontal Fist (Thrust Line) 5 Inverted Fist (Thrust Line) 6 Inverted Fist (Thrust Line) 7 Back Fist 8 Back Fist 9 Lateral Hammer Fist 10 Lateral Hammer Fist 11 Hammer Fist 12 Hammer Fist Note: Begin as viewed in diagram on the right from above, in a natural stance with no lead foot or hand. Execute each technique in order as numbered in a continuous and systematic fashion...returning to beginning posture after each technique. |
Move slowly initially until you have mastered proper balance and technique...after a while you might try to speed things up. But remember control and balance with well executed technique for both your safety and effectiveness.
Fast and sloppy holds no value for you, and can be dangerous as it may lead to injuries.
Fast and sloppy holds no value for you, and can be dangerous as it may lead to injuries.